Friday, January 2, 2009

The Demise of East Side Union School District Athletics?

I know this is a little late, but I’ve wanted to address this since I’ve heard about it. Earlier this month, the East Side Union High School District has proposed to cut the athletic programs. While the ramifications are pretty obvious to any person who knows how important any sports program is to any community, it’s kind of weird to see it happen in my own backyard. I just pray it doesn’t happen though. In what seems to be a continuing trend in cuts of education, it seems to be the same song, different tune. I guess San Jose can pride itself on having one of the largest police forces in the nation though. At least there will be a higher probability of putting this ridiculously large police force to use with the loss of perhaps the most important after school program for high school youth.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Santa Teresa’s head coach of varsity football:

"This is the most ridiculous and stupid thing I've ever heard of," he said. "In the East Side, you've got to have athletics. Any San Jose policeman will tell you that."

Here's to an interesting 2009…

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