Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PBR for $44?!?!?!

PBR in China apparently is selling for $44.... Apparently, compared to scotch...I can't possibly imagine ever paying that much for some PBR. I heard some reviews that "it's a malt" in Malt Liquor? As in the classy O.E? Mickeys? Colt 45? Steel Reserve? See the PBR website for more

I don't know about that...

Give me my $1.50 college special please.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Malaysian model is gonna get what for drinking a BEER?!?!?


She's gonna get caned after Ramadan for allegedly breaking the law that woman are not allowed to consume alcohol, according to the rules of the Muslim religion.

Geez. I understand that determining what's rational for a religion and culture is subjective, but crap.

But according to this maxim, only men have the divine right to get a Jager Bomb.

My issue: what's up with the bartender? Knowing this maxim of the Muslim religion, shouldn't he have NOT given the woman the beer? I think a caning should be in order for the bartender, if one is in order for Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm almost home free.

Law school has been pretty nuts. I'm done this friday as a 1L and hopefully, I'll be able to say I'm a 2L. During the "off season," I'll definitely be blogging about things and stuff and junk that I was definitely known for prior to this "transformation." Reflection on 1L and summer "to do list" coming soon...

Whether or not I make it, I know I went balls out and gave everything I got.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicken McNugget

WALLACE: Man, these shit’s is right yo. Man, whomever did these, did this shit right, yo. Good with the hot sauce too. Yo D, Want some nuggets?

D’ANGELO: Nah, go on

WALLACE: Man, whomever made these, he off the hook.

POOT: What?

WALLACE: (Chewing on a nugget). Mother fucker got the bone all the way out the damn chicken. . Til he came came along, niggas chewing on drum sticks and shit, getting' their fingers all greasy. Man said leave the bone [out], snug up that meat and make some real money. . .

POOT: You think the man got paid?


POOT: The man who made these.

WALLACE: Shit, he richer than a mother fucker.

D'ANGELO: Why? You think he got a percentage?

WALLACE: Why not?

D'ANGELO: Nigga, please. The man that invented them things just some sad ass clown down in the basement at McDonalds. Thinking up some shit to make money for the real players.

POOT: Nah man, that ain't right.

D'ANGELO: Fuck right. It ain't about right, it about money. Now you think Ronald McDonald going to go down that basement and say, "Hey Mr Nugget. You the bomb. We're sellin' chicken faster you can tear the bone out. So I'm going to write my clowny ass name on this fat ass check for you?

WALLACE: Shit. . .

D'ANGELO: And the nigga that invented them things still working in the basement for a regular wage thinking of a way to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lou Dobbs is an idiot.

I was watching Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN, just to see what was up with the new stimulus package that recently passed in house. I do have certain reservations about the plan. It also bothers me that ZERO Republicans voted for the bill. I mean, wasn’t President Obama’s pitch to get into the presidency to end the “business as usual, bi-partisan government?” I mean, he made it pretty clear that he was about working with Republicans, reaching across party lines. Yet, here we are, first major legislation, and ZERO Republicans in the house accepted the stimulus bill. Republican Mike Pence calls it a mass spending of wish list liberal spending. I haven’t read the stimulus bill, so I can’t agree or disagree. That question is for another day.

Anyway, the premise of this writing is to kick around independents. Specifically, Lou Dobbs. I understand that being independent of either party can be most appealing b/c not one person can whole-heartedly agree with everything on either the Democrat or Republican platforms. I get that. And I think that it shows progressive thinking. But what’s really killing me is Lou Dobbs’ constant attack on government. Constant complaining, while NEVER bringing anyone on the show who gives ANY solutions to the problems he focuses on. His topics always end with “well, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

It seems as though Dobbs’ premise is to rip American politics to shreds (which isn’t a completely bad idea now that I think about it). I get the “I’m gonna tell it how it is concept.” I completely feel the concept of not settling for anything less that satisfactory. I get free speech. I do. I love hearing honest insight on anything and everything.

My issue is that Dobbs is gearing people, or his faithful, towards focusing a negative light on EVERYTHING. Take today’s daily poll question for instance:

“A president that mimics President Bush with fearmongering to pass legislation, a Congress that doesn't read legislation and a deep partisan divide. Do you believe this is change? Yes or no?”

Let’s address what’s wrong with this statement.

“A president that mimics President Bush with fearmongering.” This would infer that Obama used the psychology of fear in garnering support for this stimulus package. I’m pretty sure that the “economic crisis” we have is real. I’m pretty sure that the increasing number of jobs lost is real. I’m pretty sure that the Jumbo Jack is no longer 99 cents either.

For Dobbs to say that Obama is striking fear into the American citizen by stating reasons why we need some sort of package is just NUTS. I think that using multiple economists outlooks as to where our economy stands is pretty credible evidence to support this supposed “fearmongering.”

When the stock market plummets, when unemployment rises and when the Jumbo Jack isn’t 99 cents are enough in itself to support the claim that we need some sort of plan to get America out of the hole.

That’s just me. The question Dobbs follows up with is: “Do you believe this is change?”

Way to pit a person against themselves. If you say “no,” you’re saying Obama, after 8 days in office, is the same as G.W. Therefore, you’re either kind of an idiot or you’re Nostradamus and can tell the future (It’s possible that Obama could be the left wing version of Bush, but let’s wait another year before we start that conversation). If you answer “yes,” then you’re an absolute idiot.

If you elected NOT to answer, then you answered correctly. Granted it’s an opinion question, but Lord have mercy, can you in any other blatant way make one answer sound completely more absurd than the other?

Key words: “Mimic,” “Bush,” and “Fear mongering.”

To definitively place that image on Obama’s White House would HAVE to lead to the only logical answer, NO. 100% to 0%.

So yes Mr. Dobbs, if you’re asking me if I think that a president that mimics G.W. is change, I’ll say no. I’ll say whatever you want me to say. Just ask it in a manner that make the answer choices make me look like an idiot who’s not thinking about the question or makes me look like you: A pessimistic jerk who knows how to complain, but leaves little to the imagination for possible solutions.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Obeanie Baby.

I get it. I can tell you EXACTLY what will stimulate our economy and get us out the recession. Selling and buying Obama merchandise. It seems to have gone to new heights. I’ve seen the authentic plate, the coin, the water bottle, the shirts. People are buying everything Obama. It’s actually pretty absurd. What’s really funny is that people are eating that shit up! We should just put him on the $25 dollar bill already. Like man, people have to be buying this shit. Simple supply and demand. It can possibly be one of two things. Scenario 1: There’s actually a high demand for this shit. Scenario 2: They don’t make enough, therefore making it easier to sell the items out. I’m completely assuming, yet almost convinced that it’s scenario number 1.

Just when I thought it would end at the water bottle, the companies go and market, drum roll please…”Marvelous Malia and Sweet Sasha” Beanie Baby!!! Good job Ty!

And get this, Press Secretary, Katie McCormick Lelyveld responds by saying it’s “inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes.”

Ya think?! Macaulay Culkin and Corey Haim could’ve used a statement like that. Anyway, here’s the link.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Demise of East Side Union School District Athletics?

I know this is a little late, but I’ve wanted to address this since I’ve heard about it. Earlier this month, the East Side Union High School District has proposed to cut the athletic programs. While the ramifications are pretty obvious to any person who knows how important any sports program is to any community, it’s kind of weird to see it happen in my own backyard. I just pray it doesn’t happen though. In what seems to be a continuing trend in cuts of education, it seems to be the same song, different tune. I guess San Jose can pride itself on having one of the largest police forces in the nation though. At least there will be a higher probability of putting this ridiculously large police force to use with the loss of perhaps the most important after school program for high school youth.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Santa Teresa’s head coach of varsity football:

"This is the most ridiculous and stupid thing I've ever heard of," he said. "In the East Side, you've got to have athletics. Any San Jose policeman will tell you that."

Here's to an interesting 2009…