Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicken McNugget

WALLACE: Man, these shit’s is right yo. Man, whomever did these, did this shit right, yo. Good with the hot sauce too. Yo D, Want some nuggets?

D’ANGELO: Nah, go on

WALLACE: Man, whomever made these, he off the hook.

POOT: What?

WALLACE: (Chewing on a nugget). Mother fucker got the bone all the way out the damn chicken. . Til he came came along, niggas chewing on drum sticks and shit, getting' their fingers all greasy. Man said leave the bone [out], snug up that meat and make some real money. . .

POOT: You think the man got paid?


POOT: The man who made these.

WALLACE: Shit, he richer than a mother fucker.

D'ANGELO: Why? You think he got a percentage?

WALLACE: Why not?

D'ANGELO: Nigga, please. The man that invented them things just some sad ass clown down in the basement at McDonalds. Thinking up some shit to make money for the real players.

POOT: Nah man, that ain't right.

D'ANGELO: Fuck right. It ain't about right, it about money. Now you think Ronald McDonald going to go down that basement and say, "Hey Mr Nugget. You the bomb. We're sellin' chicken faster you can tear the bone out. So I'm going to write my clowny ass name on this fat ass check for you?

WALLACE: Shit. . .

D'ANGELO: And the nigga that invented them things still working in the basement for a regular wage thinking of a way to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.